Poster Session – call for submissions

CCLI 2015 – Teaching and Reaching Your Students in Environments of Rapid Change

Friday, April 17th, 2015
Sonoma State University – Cooperage

CCLI Poster Session Submission Guidelines

This year’s CCLI program, “Teaching and Reaching Your Students in Environments of Rapid Change,” will explore new and practical ways to craft innovative experiences for learners.

What ways are you are approaching instruction in environments of rapid change? We’re looking for your best instruction plans, how you’re adapting to new modes of learning, creative ways you’re reorganizing and assessing your work, your unconventional curriculum, your quirky exercises, your strategic advocacy tactics (for these programs on your campus), and what you have learned from your failures.

Submission requirements: Proposals should include a title and a description of how your poster relates to the theme. Abstracts can be up to 250 words.  Posters are a visual medium, so please provide some information about how your poster will convey information visually. If your poster includes data, be sure to explain in your abstract how the data was gathered and evaluated. Because CCLI evaluates only the abstract in its decision, be sure that it clearly conveys the purpose of your poster presentation. The deadline for submissions is February 27, 2015.  Please use the Poster Session Submission Form to submit your proposal.

Notification: The primary contact on the proposal will be notified if the proposal has been accepted in March 2015.

Registration: All poster session presenters must register and pay for the conference.

Poster Session: Presenters will share their ideas as attendees circulate during a designated time in the poster session area. Poster presenters must be present to answer questions during this session.

Poster requirements: Printed poster to display. After presenters are notified about acceptance, more details will be provided regarding the format and size of posters.

Conference Proceedings: Presenters will be required to provide a PDF of their posters for inclusion in the conference proceedings prior to the date of the conference.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Margot Hanson,

The CCLI Steering Committee thanks you for your interest!